Update and upgrade Hofer-site!

After a long time it became necesary to make some large adjustments to the site. After adding and changing some family data in the family trees, is the appearance of the site changed. New layout, new colours! Within a couple of days the new site will be online. Until then it is possible that some parts of the site may not work.

New link for homepage

As of today de link to the Hofer site has changed: it was www.hofer.nl/index.htm and will be: www.hofer.nl/index.php. The change is needed because the site makes more and more use of the programming language PHP. Change your favorits!

Onsbach connection

Interesting information about the Onsbach-familytree: it has a connection to Holland. A short-lived connection: one of the Hofer familymembers married a dutch man (Witsch). That’s about it, because then the went to Amerika….

New site online!

Today the renewed site is online. At first glance not much has been changed, but behind the screens there is! The familytrees were updated as wel. If your addition to the familytrees not visable: it will be within a few weeks. Still new suggestions are sent to me.


The site will be adjusted in some ways. Within de next few days a mail will be send to everyone who has contacted me about the Hofer-site. The familytree of the Dutch family Hofer will be updated too And all that will be in the next couple of days/weeks….

Onsbach connection

Answer to the question: is there an Onsbach connection between the two familytrees from Germany I allready had? Yes there is, and the result is a complete renewed familytree! It became an extensive familytree with branches to Amerika. The familytree of the Dutch family Hofer is updated.

Gallery, changes and newsletter

The picturegallery has been changed. After problems – again – I didn’t want to re-install the gallery again and I switched over to a more simple gallery. Visitors cannot add pictures themselves anylonger, but the have to send them to the webmaster. I made some textual changes. The newsletter has been replaced by a more simple version. See the page about this. Soon: answer to the question about the Onsbach-connection!

War on spam!

The email adress I used until now will be cancelled, because of spam. Instead I am going to use another adress, and a contact form. If you can’t reach me anylonger, please use the contact form and I will respond to it with another mail adress.


The photoalbum has been offline for some time. After a re-installation everything works as usual. No pictures were lost in the process.

War on spam!

I declared war on the spammers. The guestbook is flooding with spam-messages and I had to delete them on a daily basis. I changed my guestbook to a guestbook with a better defence against spammers. They will be tracked and blocked!