As of today the graphical versions of the family trees are added, Dutch only. Also some additions were made to the family trees.
Category Archives: News messages
Family names
A page with all family names present in this family tree has been added. Remember, not all names are visable on the internet.
Encrypted messages
As of now it is possible to send me encypted messages. I will be the only person who is able to read that encrypted message. See the contact page.
Just because I can, not that I have to do so…..
The family tree of the dutch family Hofer has been changed. Thanks to everyone helping with this family tree!
Additions are coming!
Within some time I am going to publish new additions. I was able to connect some “unknown persons”, see that page, to the excisting family tree. More to come soon!
Site as it was before
This site has been filled with information from the old site. Not everything will be back: the page about DNA, the guestbook (click here for the old guest book, on the Dutch part of this site) and the page about the coat of arms. Perhaps these pages will return some day.
The majority of information I could retrieve from an old database backup. It was a great puzzel to get everything out of the backup and into the site. But I think I did well. The result is a clean site, ready for the future.
In the next couple of weeks I will be finetuning this site. Suggestions? Please let me know!
New site!
Because this site moved to a new server, I was forced to rebuild the site. As of today I am creating this site from scratch, slowly: at this time the site is far from complete. Follow the development, and come back soon!
Language selection
Next to the automatisch language selection (based on browser setting by the visitor) the visitor can change the language manually. Click on the dutch flag for the dutch language, or on the english-american flag for the english language.
About cookies
The question for your permission to accept cookies is deleted from this site. See the page about cookies, in the menu to the left. This site uses first party-cookies only, to collect statistical data wich are not public. The law about cookies has been changed or will be changed.
New site online
As of today the new site is online. After some years it was a thing to do. Now a CMS will be used.
The content remains the same, just the layout is very different.
Not all is wel. Within the next couple of days the site will function better and better.
Rebuild of the site
The webmaster started the rebuild of this site today. Basis will be the CMS Websitebaker. Within the next couple of months the site will be offline every now and then.
In the family tree of the Dutch family Hofer several changes en additions were made. You cannot find your addition? Please make contact!
Additions to the family tree of Maria Hofer from Italy
Additions were made to the family tree of Maria Hofer from Italy. The source is “Familienstammbuch der Familie Hofer und Beck”.
A new page has been added: Italy, on the page with family trees (see the menu on top). On this page are two family trees, both from St. Leonard (see prior news).
New Hofer family tree from Austria
Interesting news! Today I recieved a family tree, with evidence, of a family Hofer originated from Austria. Special in this family tree is that the births took place in St. Leonard: where Andreas Hofer was born too, and, in the time period just after he was shot. But the families are not related! The family tree will be published within a couple of days.
Genetic genealogy
The Hofe site is orientating on genetic genealogy. With the aid of DNA testing it is possible to determine if several persons are related, up to many generations ago! Even etnic origin and geografical origin can be determined. See the new page. Soon more!
Automatic language selection
The Hofer site is able to show two languages, but always started in Dutch. Until now! Starting today, the site has automatic language selection: only in the Netherlands the site starts in Dutch, everywhere else it starts in English. It remains possible to change language manually. If this is not working for your location, please let me know!
Do you appriciate this site? You may show this by donating 10 euro’s. You encourage me to continue this work, and it helps reducing the costs. Thank you in advance! You can use the button at the bottom of this page.
Family tree adjusted
The family tree of the Dutch family Hofer has been changed.
A menu has been changed because of a problem. And a few layout changes has been made. Thanks for your input!