
This page shows the familytrees of Hofer families from Germany.

In the German place Onsbach lives this Hofer family for many generations. This family has been researched and details about this family are known since 1675. Interesting is the marriage between the to cousins Melchior and Karoline Hofer in 1849. In the years around 1850 many Hofer’s went to America – nowadays in America should be a lot of Önsbach-Hofer descendants alive. In Germany and Holland too, but they have possible not the familyname Hofer.

A part of the presented informations came from a source who has the book “Familienbuch der Gemeinde Önsbach in Baden, 1700-1950” by Eugen Weber, published 2004.

Another interesting and well documented fact is the story of Johann (Hans) Hofer, born august 18th 1810. He played a roll in Republican Revolution in Germany around 1840. See this link for more details (in German).

The presented familytree, with 253 persons, is the combination of two familytrees from two different sources I allready had, and the above mentioned book. I managed to make the connection between the two familytrees! The mentioned book is very reliable, and the fact that the three sources had a lot of the same data makes the presented familytree very reliable.

For a view of the distribution of persons with the name Hofer in Germany, see this link.

Choose in the menu to the left for “Johannes Hofer”.