This site shows the familytrees of Hofer families from The Netherlands. Wich is only one at this time.
The family originates from Austria, from a place called Gossensass. The first data are from 1499. Around 1750 moved the family to Schonwies. Aloysius Hofer, salesman, born 1767 went to Holland, that should be around 1800. Why did he move to Holland? Did he sail to Holland by boat, got himself into trouble and was resqued by a fisherman from Urk? In this time Urk was an isle in the sea called Zuiderzee (Suydersee). Now it is mostly surrounded by land and the Zuiderzee is called IJsselmeer, a lake, it is no longer a sea. Urk was then, and still is, a place for fisherman and has a harbour for large seagoing fishingboats.
The second marriage of Aloysius Hofer was in Amsterdam, Holland, where he married a woman form Urk. Their first child was born in Amsterdam. It is possible that they lived a while in Amsterdam. The second child, Johannes Andreas (Jan) was born in Rijssen, province Overijssel, Holland. Jan married a woman from Urk too, but they were married in Urk. That was in 1854.
So Jan married with Aaltje Koffeman in Urk in 1854. These are the first Dutch Hofer familymembers of this family. Their children were raised in Urk and some of them moved to places in the Dutch province “Noord Holland”: places around Amsterdam and Den Helder. From there the family spread into the rest of Holland. See the picture on this page: in the coloured counties are persons living with the name Hofer. Totally, in september 2007, in The Netherlands: 83 (source: Meertens Institiuut). In april 2013, there are 30 persons with the name Hofer listed in the public phonerecords (source: Telefoongids).
Choose in the menu to the left for “Lorenz Hofer”, the only family tree from a Dutch family Hofer.