Hi! Good day! I am Kathleen Hofer, from Philippines. Our great grandfather, John Hofer came to the Philippines & married to a Filipina. My grandfather’s name is Hans Hofer married to Virginia Sabert. Vincent Hofer is their eldest son which is my father. We’re very much interested to know who are our ancestors. I hope through this page, we will know more about Hofer family. Kathleen 🙂
(Kathleen Hofer)


I found this page as I was looking for information on my families heritage. If there is anyone that can provide some background information on the Hofer’s I would appreciate it.
(Jaime Hofer-Wilhoite)


“I am surprised how many Hofers are in the U.S. It is a nice feeling. I just have not researched my family history well enough to make a statement on it one way or another.
Perhaps I should research it more one day when I have more time available.
Greetings, Otto Hofer”
(Otto Andreas Hofer)


Hi,my grandfather clarence hofer smythe always said his family was from the tyrolian alps and that he was a direct decent of andreas hofer on his mothers side. Am trying to find information about my grandfather. anyone have any information, kindly email me. really like your site.
(Elisabeth Fassinger)

Onsbach connectie

Antwoord op de vraag: is er een Onsbach-connectie tussen de beide stambomen uit Duitsland? Ja, die is er en het resulteerde in een compleet nieuwe stamboom! Het is een uitgebreide stamboom geworden met aftakkingen naar Amerika. De stamboom van de Nederlandse familie Hofer is gewijzigd.


We too have Hofers in our ancestry. Great Grandmother was Elise Marie,(from Plainpalais, Switzerland), g-g-grandfather was Urs Hofer. No idea of their origin.
(Marie Nicholsen)

Fotoalbum, wijzingen, nieuwsbrief en Onsbach

Het fotoalbum is aangepast. Na weer problemen had ik geen zin meer om het opnieuw te installeren en ben een eenvoudiger album begonnen. Foto’s kunnen niet meer zelfstandig toegevoegd worden maar moeten naar de webmaster gestuurd worden. Ik heb enkele textuele wijzigingen aangebracht. De nieuwsbrief is vervangen door een eenvoudiger versie. Zie de pagina hierover. Binnenkort: antwoord op de vraag over de Onsbach-connectie!


My father Norman Foster directed the Davy Crocketts and Zorros for Disney and amassed books on Andreas Hofer – for a film he never made. He was born Norman Hoeffer in 3 and was certain he was related.
(Robert Anthony Foster)


My ancestors are Hofer from Önsbach, Baden Johannes Hofer 1685-1737 Michael Hofer 1708-1772 Franz Xaver Hoffer 1736-1789 Franziska Hoffer 1777-1822 Jean Clauss 1805-1847 Georges Clauss 1845-/1880 Georges Clauss 1876-1902 quot;Georges " Léon Clauss 1899-1982 Bernard Clauss 1938- "Eric" Georges André Bernard Clauss 1963
(Eric Claus)


“Hello, My grandfather was Harold Hofer and he is buried in Hutchision kansas. He was married to Phyllis Nash. Any info on my ancestors, you could email me. Thanks.
(Stephan Hofer)


My husband’s family patriarch was Xaver Hofer (1848-1936) from Stutgart, Germany. His wife was Josefine Schneider (not Dietrich, I misspoke), 1850 – 1902). Their sons immigrated to Chicago. Does anyone have any information on this family?
(Deborah Oliver_


My husband’s mother is a Hofer from Chicago, and her parents were from Stutgart, Germany. The partriarch’s name was Xaver Hofer, who was married to Josephine Dietrich. Does anyone have any information on him?
(Deborah Oliver)

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I’m researching my family. My great grandmother married a Leonard Hofer. My whole family says we are related to Andreas Hofer from Tyrol. I haven’t found the link yet.
(Margaret Jean Belton)


Just trying to find where I fit in. Relatives on my fathers side from the Ohio (USA) area. There are more of us scattered around, including here in Washington state. Would like to see how far back I can trace my family.
(William Frederick Hofer)

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