Hi there to you all, I was married to one of Klaas Willem Andreas Hofers great great great grandsons, Robert. We live in South Africa. I enjoyed the website and all I can say is ‘good job welldone.:-)
(Marie Hofer)
Auteur archieven: admin
Hallo there, I just want to rectify my mistake by saying that it was Andreas Hofers family that I was married into and not KWA Hofer. Sorry for that. I can be mail to at my e-mail address. Thank you for all the information on your website. Complements to all the people who is responsible for the great task.:-):-U
(Marie Hofer)
Leuk zo n familiesite….jammer dat mijn opa niet genoemd wordt(Jan Piet Hofer, zoon van Aloysius) maar evengoed interessant om te zien waar je vanaf stamt 🙂
Nieuwsbrief verstuurd en stambomen aangepast. Info over familiewapens.
De eerste nieuwbrief verstuurd. Stambomen van de families Stins en Wijker toegevoegd aan de stamboom van de nederlandse familie Hofer. Stamboom van de familie Holzknecht toegevoegd aan de stamboom van Andreas Hofer. Deze familie is verwant aan Andreas Hofer via de dochter van Andreas Hofer. Informatie over de familiewapens toegevoegd.
Nieuw gastenboek geactiveerd.
Nieuwsbrief toegevoegd.
Hello. I am visiting this page because i have known a person in Argentina whose last name is Hofer and we are interested in learning about his family tree.If someone knows how a hofer could land in our beloved Argentinian country we are pleased to contact and exchange information.A big hug for all… yanina.:-}
Sieds en fam. moeten een talencursus gaan volgen, anders valt de informatie op deze site niet meer te begrijpen! GJT
(Gerrit Jan Tempelman)
Hello! i think your website is very intresting and I ahve a woundering. How searching you in Austria and were can i found my family. have you some idees, my surname is Lukas and I seraching about my grandmothers history. She comes to Sweden after the second war. And I have find to a woman who was married with a hofer. Have austria some differcult archivers or have they some adress`? thanks
(Lina Lukas)
Wijzigingen in de stamboom en foto’s.
Een aantal kleine wijzigingen zijn in de laatste tijd doorgevoerd. De fotopagina’s zijn vervangen door een geavanceerd foto galerij waarin iedereen foto’s kan toeveogen.
My great-great grandfather was Niclas Hofer He married Anna Stuber. She was born Abt. 1800, his son, my great-grandfather, Johannes Hofer was born 08/24/1831 in Aurberg, Switzerland Seewell District, and died 07/21/1905 in Iroquois County, IL. He married Anna Elisabetha Schneider 10/23/1863 in Yveerdon, Switzerland, daughter of Johannes Schneider and Katharina Beer. She was born 12/05/1840 in Yverdon, Switzerland, and died 03/05/1899 in Iroquois County, IL.
(Rev. David L. Hofer)
Wie kan mij iets vertellen over Otto Hofer die in IJmuiden woonde en na de oorlog geemigreerd is naar Australie.
(Klaas Hofer)
Hi! Good day! I am Kathleen Hofer, from Philippines. Our great grandfather, John Hofer came to the Philippines & married to a Filipina. My grandfather’s name is Hans Hofer married to Virginia Sabert. Vincent Hofer is their eldest son which is my father. We’re very much interested to know who are our ancestors. I hope through this page, we will know more about Hofer family. Kathleen
(Kathleen Hofer)
hello i guess i am descended from some hofers that just decided to branch off and do their own thing because i know no other hofers lol but i am looking for any information about the family and the history so if anyone can help please please email me and help me…. by the way i love the web site
(Dustin Hofer)
Hofer email, verhuizing en veranderingen
Hofer e-mail mogelijk voor iedereen. De Hofer site is verhuisd naar een andere provider voor betere prestaties. Verschillende kleine veranderingen.
Hello my birth Name is Estelle Hofer I’m french. My Grandfather Mainrad Hofer was from Bolzano (Bozen) Austria. He left Austria and came to France with my grandmother. I don’t know if we are from the same family but i will read your site. ByeEstelle
(Hofer Estelle)
hallO ik ben anouk hofer,, mijn overgroot opa is Aloysius Hofer
Mi apellido original es Hofer, originario del canton Berna, en Suiza
(Victor Hoffer)
(Victor Hoffer)